CanStand Takes On Its First Product Review


CanStand Review:

 Cans Of The World, Unite and Stand Tall

What in the world is wrong with me?  How did I not invent the CanStand?  Good products solve problems, right?  Well, I have a problem when I go to the beach or camping and want to enjoy a frosty cold beverage.  I put the can down on the sand and it becomes an instant magnet for my kids to kick over, or for someone (probably me) to kick sand into it.  Is there anything worse than a frosty cold, refreshing beverage – filled with sand?  Then there are the ants when we are camping, don’t even get me started on the ants.  I put my soda down on the ground for a minute and next thing I know it has become the mothership for every ant and bug in the forest!

CanStand Claims to Solve My Problems

So, here comes CanStand, the drop dead simple gadget that claims to solve my problems by commanding my drinks to get off the ground and stand tall!  Let’s take a look at our video review of the CanStand -

CanStand, For Those Times In Life When No Cup Holder Is Around

Sure, if you have a beach chair with a cup holder, you may be all set, but what about when you are standing.  CanStand is great if you are throwing a frisbee around the beach, playing catch in the backyard, or just having one of those days when you never want your drink more than 3 feet from your mouth.   We definitely banged the CanStand around, just to test it out, and it never fell down and no signs of damage.

Need More Vibrant Colors In Your Life? CanStand Has You Covered

In the video review, we just had the aluminum CanStand, but they make a wide variety of colors for the CanStand -

Remember, the beauty of the CanStand is more than skin deep.  In addition to being pretty, the cup part of the CanStand is made of lightweight aluminum with a sun-reflecting, baked-on paint finish.  Add on the patented “Air Gap” insulating technology and the reinforced fiberglass rod and you have a highly conceived and designed can stand.

The CanStand Could Be Called The CandleStand Or FlowerStand Or…

Getting your can off the ground is a good thing, but sometimes you want to get other objects off the ground.  The CanStand is great for elevating candles, flowers and pretty much anything that you can think of that will fit in the cup.

Conclusion: The CanStand Will Have You and Your Cans Standing Tall

If you are looking for a quick and easy way to get your cans off the ground and right at hip level, the CanStand is your answer.  The CanStand feels very sturdy and durable, so it should last a while, but we will report back if we have any problems.  It would be awesome if the CanStand had a telescoping pole, as carrying around a 47″ pole can be a drag.  They do make various mesh bags to make it easy to transport the whole CanStand System.  Overall, the CanStand is one of those super easy gadgets that you throw in your trunk, and find yourself using it all the time.  Sorry ants, looks like you need to find some other sucker’s soda can to live in!

Thanks so much to Dan Nessel at Dad Does for his solid honest review!

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